Sunday, October 3, 2010

24 Hour Comic 2010!


Anonymous said...

Good, fun read for a Sunday night. I'm a big fan of your style.

chas_m said...

I found this because Andy Inhatko tweeted about it.

I like your art style very much, and the story was well told. A very successful comic story.

I have to admit that since I don't know about the two protagonists I can't understand why ANYONE would put up with such obnoxious behaviour for very long, but I imagine that's spelled out elsewhere.

Good job!

Kandou Erik said...


Abel Lynch said...

That's hggghgggMazing.

Greg said...

So funny! I'm glad my friends aren't so hard to fly with... wait, maybe that means I'm the one who freaks out on flights?!

Anyway, I want to read more of these adventures.

Emily said...

Are you making a minicomic of this (for Etsy or something)? I would totally buy one! That was crazy funny awesome! I wish I was that chipper on flights, but I just get airsick (sooo boring!).

Emi said...

Yeah, I will be making a mini comic out of this for next year's cons! I'll have them available online as well!

DangerShoes said...

Love this! Awesome as always. I can relate the the panic off take off and turbulence.

DangerShoes said...

"of take off.." Rely too much on Predict type on IPhone. Sorry :)

Matt Seckman said...
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Matt Seckman said...

That's Great!!!

Melisa Dixon said...

This is a late reply I know, but I just LOVE it.
Faith reminds me of myself.
I couldn't stop chuckling.